Source code for clkhash.field_formats

""" Classes that specify the requirements for each column in a dataset.
    They take care of validation, and produce the settings required to
    perform the hashing.

import abc
import re
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, Optional, Text, cast, List, Union, SupportsInt

from clkhash import comparators
from clkhash.comparators import AbstractComparison

[docs]class InvalidEntryError(ValueError): """ An entry in the data file does not conform to the schema. """ field_spec = None # type: Optional['FieldSpec']
[docs]class InvalidSchemaError(ValueError): """Raised if the schema of a field specification is invalid. For example, a regular expression included in the schema is not syntactically correct. """ json_field_spec = None # type: Optional[dict] field_spec_index = None # type: Optional[int]
[docs]class MissingValueSpec: """ Stores the information about how to find and treat missing values. :ivar str sentinel: sentinel is the string that identifies a missing value e.g.: 'N/A', ''. The sentinel will not be validated against the feature format definition :ivar str replace_with: defines the string which replaces the sentinel whenever present, can be 'None', then sentinel will not be replaced. """ def __init__(self, sentinel: str, replace_with: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: self.sentinel = sentinel self.replace_with = (replace_with if replace_with is not None else sentinel)
[docs] @classmethod def from_json_dict(cls, json_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'MissingValueSpec': return cls( sentinel=json_dict['sentinel'], replace_with=cast(Optional[str], json_dict.get('replaceWith')) )
[docs]class StrategySpec(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Stores the information about the insertion strategy. A strategy has to implement the 'bits_per_token' function, which defines how often each token gets inserted into the Bloom filter. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def bits_per_token(self, num_tokens: int) -> List[int]: """ Return a list of integers, one for each of the `num_tokens` tokens, defining how often that token gets inserted into the Bloom filter. :param int num_tokens: number of tokens in the feature's value :return: [ k, ... ] with k's >= 0 """ pass
[docs] @classmethod def from_json_dict(cls, json_dict: Dict[str, Union[str, SupportsInt]]) -> 'StrategySpec': if 'bitsPerToken' in json_dict: return BitsPerTokenStrategy(int(json_dict['bitsPerToken'])) elif 'bitsPerFeature' in json_dict: return BitsPerFeatureStrategy(int(json_dict['bitsPerFeature'])) else: raise InvalidSchemaError('unknown strategy')
[docs]class BitsPerTokenStrategy(StrategySpec): """ Insert every token the same number of times. This is the strategy from the original Schnell paper. The provided value `bits_per_token` (the 'k' value in the paper) defines the number of hash functions that are used to insert each token into the Bloom filter. One important property of this strategy is that the total number of inserted bits for a feature relates to the length of its value. This can have privacy implications, as the number of bits set in a Bloom filter correlate to the number of tokens of the PII. :ivar int bits_per_token: how often each token should be inserted into the filter """ def __init__(self, bits_per_token: int ) -> None: self._bits_per_token = bits_per_token
[docs] def bits_per_token(self, num_tokens: int) -> List[int]: return [self._bits_per_token] * num_tokens
[docs]class BitsPerFeatureStrategy(StrategySpec): """ Have a fixed number of filter insertions for a feature, irrespective of the actual number of tokens. This strategy allows to reason about the importance of a feature, irrespective of the lengths of the feature values. For example, in the BitsPerTokenStrategy the name 'Bob' affects only have the number of bits in the Bloom filter than 'Robert'. With this BitsPerFeatureStrategy, both names set the same number of bits in the filter, thus allowing to adjust importance on a per feature basis. :ivar int bits_per_feature: total number of insertions for this feature, will be spread across all tokens. """ def __init__(self, bits_per_feature: int ) -> None: self._bits_per_feature = bits_per_feature
[docs] def bits_per_token(self, num_tokens: int) -> List[int]: k = int(self._bits_per_feature / num_tokens) residue = self._bits_per_feature % num_tokens return ([k + 1] * residue) + ([k] * (num_tokens - residue))
[docs]class FieldHashingProperties: """ Stores the settings used to hash a field. This includes the encoding and tokenisation parameters. :ivar AbstractComparison comparator: provides a tokenizer for desired comparison strategy :ivar str encoding: The encoding to use when converting the string to bytes. Refer to `Python's documentation <>`_ for possible values. :ivar str hash_type: hash function to use for hashing :ivar bool prevent_singularity: the 'doubleHash' function has a singularity problem :ivar int num_bits: dynamic k = num_bits / number of n-grams :ivar int k: max number of bits per n-gram :ivar MissingValueSpec missing_value: specifies how to handle missing values """ _DEFAULT_ENCODING = 'utf-8' _DEFAULT_POSITIONAL = False def __init__(self, comparator: AbstractComparison, strategy: StrategySpec, encoding: str = _DEFAULT_ENCODING, hash_type: str = 'blakeHash', prevent_singularity: Optional[bool] = None, missing_value: Optional[MissingValueSpec] = None ) -> None: """ Make a :class:`FieldHashingProperties` object, setting it attributes to values specified in keyword arguments. """ if comparator is None: raise ValueError('no comparator specified') try: ''.encode(encoding) except LookupError as e: msg = '{} is not a valid Python encoding.' raise ValueError(msg.format(encoding)) from e if prevent_singularity is not None and hash_type != 'doubleHash': raise ValueError("Prevent_singularity must only be specified" " with hash_type doubleHash.") if strategy is None: raise ValueError('no strategy specified') self.comparator = comparator self.encoding = encoding self.hash_type = hash_type self.prevent_singularity = prevent_singularity self.strategy = strategy self.missing_value = missing_value
[docs] def replace_missing_value(self, str_in: str) -> str: """ returns 'str_in' if it is not equals to the 'sentinel' as defined in the missingValue section of the schema. Else it will return the 'replaceWith' value. :param str str_in: input string :return: str_in or the missingValue replacement value """ if self.missing_value is None: return str_in elif self.missing_value.sentinel == str_in: return self.missing_value.replace_with else: return str_in
[docs]def fhp_from_json_dict( json_dict: Dict[str, Any] ) -> FieldHashingProperties: """ Make a :class:`FieldHashingProperties` object from a dictionary. :param dict json_dict: Conforming to the `hashingConfig` definition in the `v2` linkage schema. :return: A :class:`FieldHashingProperties` instance. """ h = json_dict.get('hash', {'type': 'blakeHash'}) if json_dict['comparison'].get('type', '') == 'ngram': # setting default json_dict['comparison'].setdefault('positional', FieldHashingProperties._DEFAULT_POSITIONAL) comparator = comparators.get_comparator(json_dict['comparison']) return FieldHashingProperties( comparator=comparator, hash_type=h['type'], prevent_singularity=h.get('prevent_singularity'), strategy=StrategySpec.from_json_dict(json_dict['strategy']), missing_value=MissingValueSpec.from_json_dict( json_dict[ 'missingValue']) if 'missingValue' in json_dict else None )
[docs]class FieldSpec(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Abstract base class representing the specification of a column in the dataset. Subclasses validate entries, and modify the `hashing_properties` ivar to customise hashing procedures. :ivar str identifier: The name of the field. :ivar str description: Description of the field format. :ivar FieldHashingProperties hashing_properties: The properties for hashing. None if field ignored. """ def __init__(self, identifier: str, hashing_properties: Optional[FieldHashingProperties], description: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: """ Make a FieldSpec object, setting it attributes to values specified in keyword arguments. """ self.identifier = identifier self.hashing_properties = hashing_properties self.description = description
[docs] @classmethod def from_json_dict(cls, field_dict: Dict[str, Any] ) -> 'FieldSpec': """ Initialise a :class:`FieldSpec` object from a dictionary of properties. :param dict field_dict: The properties dictionary to use. Must contain a `'hashing'` key that meets the requirements of :class:`FieldHashingProperties`. :raises InvalidSchemaError: When the `properties` dictionary contains invalid values. Exactly what that means is decided by the subclasses. """ identifier = field_dict['identifier'] description = field_dict['format'].get('description') hashing_properties = fhp_from_json_dict(field_dict['hashing']) if 'hashing' in field_dict else None result = cls.__new__(cls) result.identifier = identifier result.hashing_properties = hashing_properties result.description = description return result
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def validate(self, str_in: str) -> None: """ Validates an entry in the field. Raises :class:`InvalidEntryError` iff the entry is invalid. Subclasses must override this method with their own validation. They should call the parent's `validate` method via `super`. :param str str_in: String to validate. :raises InvalidEntryError: When entry is invalid. """ if self.hashing_properties: # else its Ignore try: str_in.encode(encoding=self.hashing_properties.encoding) except UnicodeEncodeError as err: msg = ("Expected entry that can be encoded in {}. Read '{}'." .format(self.hashing_properties.encoding, str_in)) e_new = InvalidEntryError(msg) e_new.field_spec = self raise e_new from err
[docs] def is_missing_value(self, str_in: str) -> bool: """ tests if 'str_in' is the sentinel value for this field :param str str_in: String to test if it stands for missing value :return: True if a missing value is defined for this field and str_in matches this value """ return (self.hashing_properties is not None and self.hashing_properties.missing_value is not None and self.hashing_properties.missing_value.sentinel == str_in)
[docs] def format_value(self, str_in: str) -> str: """ formats the value 'str_in' for hashing according to this field's spec. There are several reasons why this might be necessary: 1. This field contains missing values which have to be replaced by some other string 2. There are several different ways to describe a specific value for this field, e.g.: all of '+65', ' 65', '65' are valid representations of the integer 65. 3. Entries of this field might contain elements with no entropy, e.g. dates might be formatted as yyyy-mm-dd, thus all dates will have '-' at the same place. These artifacts have no value for entity resolution and should be removed. :param str str_in: the string to format :return: a string representation of 'str_in' which is ready to be hashed """ if self.hashing_properties and self.is_missing_value(str_in): return self.hashing_properties.replace_missing_value(str_in) else: return self._format_regular_value(str_in)
def _format_regular_value(self, str_in: str) -> str: """ overwrite this if you want to modify 'str_in' before hashing. :param str str_in: :return: a string representation of 'str_in' which is ready to be hashed """ return str_in
[docs]class StringSpec(FieldSpec): """ Represents a field that holds strings. One way to specify the format of the entries is to provide a regular expression that they must conform to. Another is to provide zero or more of: minimum length, maximum length, casing (lower, upper, mixed). Each string field also specifies an encoding used when turning characters into bytes. This is stored in `hashing_properties` since it is needed for hashing. :ivar str encoding: The encoding to use when converting the string to bytes. Refer to `Python's documentation < -encodings>`_ for possible values. :ivar regex: Compiled regular expression that entries must conform to. Present only if the specification is regex- based. :ivar str case: The casing of the entries. One of `'lower'`, `'upper'`, or `'mixed'`. Default is `'mixed'`. Present only if the specification is not regex-based. :ivar int min_length: The minimum length of the string. `None` if there is no minimum length. Present only if the specification is not regex-based. :ivar int max_length: The maximum length of the string. `None` if there is no maximum length. Present only if the specification is not regex-based. """ _DEFAULT_CASE = 'mixed' _DEFAULT_MIN_LENGTH = 0 _PERMITTED_CASE_STYLES = {'lower', 'upper', 'mixed'} def __init__(self, identifier: str, hashing_properties: FieldHashingProperties, description: Optional[str] = None, regex: Optional[str] = None, case: str = _DEFAULT_CASE, min_length: int = _DEFAULT_MIN_LENGTH, max_length: Optional[int] = None ) -> None: """ Make a StringSpec object, setting it attributes to values specified in keyword arguments. """ # noinspection PyCompatibility,PyArgumentList super().__init__(identifier=identifier, description=description, hashing_properties=hashing_properties) regex_based = regex is not None if regex_based and (case != self._DEFAULT_CASE or min_length != self._DEFAULT_MIN_LENGTH or max_length is not None): msg = ('regex cannot be passed along with case, min_length, or' ' max_length.') raise ValueError(msg) if case not in self._PERMITTED_CASE_STYLES: msg = ("the case is {}, but should be 'lower', 'upper', or" "'mixed'") raise ValueError(msg.format(case)) if min_length < 0: msg = 'min_length must be non-negative, but is {}' raise ValueError(msg.format(min_length)) # type checker thinks max_length is of type None # noinspection PyTypeChecker if max_length is not None and max_length <= 0: msg = 'max_length must be positive, but is {}' raise ValueError(msg.format(max_length)) if regex_based: regex_str = cast(str, regex) try: self.regex = re.compile(regex_str) except (SyntaxError, re.error) as e: msg = f"invalid regular expression '{regex_str}.'" e_new = InvalidEntryError(msg) e_new.field_spec = self raise e_new from e else: = case self.min_length = min_length self.max_length = max_length self.regex_based = regex_based
[docs] @classmethod def from_json_dict(cls, json_dict: Dict[str, Any] ) -> 'StringSpec': """ Make a StringSpec object from a dictionary containing its properties. :param dict json_dict: This dictionary must contain an `'encoding'` key associated with a Python-conformant encoding. It must also contain a `'hashing'` key, whose contents are passed to :class:`FieldHashingProperties`. Permitted keys also include `'pattern'`, `'case'`, `'minLength'`, and `'maxLength'`. :raises InvalidSchemaError: When a regular expression is provided but is not a valid pattern. """ # noinspection PyCompatibility result = cast(StringSpec, # Go away, Mypy. super().from_json_dict(json_dict)) format_ = json_dict['format'] if 'encoding' in format_ and result.hashing_properties: result.hashing_properties.encoding = format_['encoding'] if 'pattern' in format_: pattern = format_['pattern'] try: result.regex = re.compile(pattern) except (SyntaxError, re.error) as e: msg = f"Invalid regular expression '{pattern}.'" e_new = InvalidSchemaError(msg) e_new.json_field_spec = json_dict raise e_new from e result.regex_based = True else: = format_.get('case', StringSpec._DEFAULT_CASE) result.min_length = format_.get('minLength') result.max_length = format_.get('maxLength') result.regex_based = False return result
[docs] def validate(self, str_in: str) -> None: """ Validates an entry in the field. Raises `InvalidEntryError` iff the entry is invalid. An entry is invalid iff (1) a pattern is part of the specification of the field and the string does not match it; (2) the string does not match the provided casing, minimum length, or maximum length; or (3) the specified encoding cannot represent the string. :param str str_in: String to validate. :raises InvalidEntryError: When entry is invalid. :raises ValueError: When is not one of the permitted values (`'lower'`, `'upper'`, or `'mixed'`). """ if self.is_missing_value(str_in): return # noinspection PyCompatibility super().validate(str_in) # Validate encoding. if self.regex_based: match = self.regex.fullmatch(str_in) if match is None: e = InvalidEntryError( 'Expected entry that conforms to regular expression ' "'{}'. Read '{}'.".format(self.regex.pattern, str_in)) e.field_spec = self raise e else: str_len = len(str_in) if self.min_length is not None and str_len < self.min_length: e = InvalidEntryError( "Expected string length of at least {}. Read string '{}' " 'of length {}.'.format(self.min_length, str_in, str_len)) e.field_spec = self raise e if self.max_length is not None and str_len > self.max_length: e = InvalidEntryError( "Expected string length of at most {}. Read string '{}' " 'of length {}.'.format(self.max_length, str_in, str_len)) e.field_spec = self raise e if == 'upper': if str_in.upper() != str_in: msg = "Expected upper case string. Read '{}'.".format( str_in) e = InvalidEntryError(msg) e.field_spec = self raise e elif == 'lower': if str_in.lower() != str_in: msg = "Expected lower case string. Read '{}'.".format( str_in) e = InvalidEntryError(msg) e.field_spec = self raise e elif == 'mixed': pass else: raise ValueError( f'Invalid case property {}.')
[docs]class IntegerSpec(FieldSpec): """ Represents a field that holds integers. Minimum and maximum values may be specified. :ivar int minimum: The minimum permitted value. :ivar int maximum: The maximum permitted value or None. """ def __init__(self, identifier: str, hashing_properties: FieldHashingProperties, description: Optional[str] = None, minimum: Optional[int] = None, maximum: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any] ) -> None: """ Make a IntegerSpec object, setting it attributes to values specified in keyword arguments. """ # noinspection PyCompatibility,PyArgumentList super().__init__(identifier=identifier, description=description, hashing_properties=hashing_properties) self.minimum = minimum self.maximum = maximum
[docs] @classmethod def from_json_dict(cls, json_dict: Dict[str, Any] ) -> 'IntegerSpec': """ Make a IntegerSpec object from a dictionary containing its properties. :param dict json_dict: This dictionary may contain `'minimum'` and `'maximum'` keys. In addition, it must contain a `'hashing'` key, whose contents are passed to :class:`FieldHashingProperties`. :param dict json_dict: The properties dictionary. """ # noinspection PyCompatibility result = cast(IntegerSpec, # For Mypy. super().from_json_dict(json_dict)) format_ = json_dict['format'] result.minimum = format_.get('minimum') result.maximum = format_.get('maximum') return result
[docs] def validate(self, str_in: str) -> None: """ Validates an entry in the field. Raises `InvalidEntryError` iff the entry is invalid. An entry is invalid iff (1) the string does not represent a base-10 integer; (2) the integer is not between `self.minimum` and `self.maximum`, if those exist; or (3) the integer is negative. :param str str_in: String to validate. :raises InvalidEntryError: When entry is invalid. """ if self.is_missing_value(str_in): return # noinspection PyCompatibility super().validate(str_in) try: value = int(str_in, base=10) except ValueError as e: msg = f"Invalid integer. Read '{str_in}'." e_new = InvalidEntryError(msg) e_new.field_spec = self raise e_new from e if self.minimum is not None and value < self.minimum: msg = ("Expected integer value of at least {}. Read '{}'." .format(self.minimum, value)) e_new = InvalidEntryError(msg) e_new.field_spec = self raise e_new if self.maximum is not None and value > self.maximum: msg = ("Expected integer value of at most {}. Read '{}'." .format(self.maximum, value)) e_new = InvalidEntryError(msg) e_new.field_spec = self raise e_new
def _format_regular_value(self, str_in: str) -> str: """ we need to reformat integer strings, as there can be different strings for the same integer. The strategy of unification here is to first parse the integer string to an Integer type. Thus all of '+13', ' 13', '13' will be parsed to 13. We then convert the integer value to an unambiguous string (no whitespaces, leading '-' for negative numbers, no leading '+'). :param str_in: integer string :return: integer string without whitespaces, leading '-' for negative numbers, no leading '+' """ try: value = int(str_in, base=10) return str(value) except ValueError as e: msg = f"Invalid integer. Read '{str_in}'." e_new = InvalidEntryError(msg) e_new.field_spec = self raise e_new from e
[docs]class DateSpec(FieldSpec): """ Represents a field that holds dates. Dates are specified as full-dates in a format that can be described as a *strptime()* (C89 standard) compatible format string. E.g.: the format for the standard internet format `RFC3339 <>`_ (e.g. 1996-12-19) is '%Y-%m-%d'. :ivar str format: The format of the date. """ OUTPUT_FORMAT = '%Y%m%d' def __init__(self, identifier: str, hashing_properties: FieldHashingProperties, format: str, description: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: """ Make a DateSpec object, setting it attributes to values specified in keyword arguments. """ # noinspection PyCompatibility,PyArgumentList super().__init__(identifier=identifier, description=description, hashing_properties=hashing_properties) self.format = format
[docs] @classmethod def from_json_dict(cls, json_dict: Dict[str, Any] ) -> 'DateSpec': """ Make a DateSpec object from a dictionary containing its properties. :param dict json_dict: This dictionary must contain a `'format'` key. In addition, it must contain a `'hashing'` key, whose contents are passed to :class:`FieldHashingProperties`. :param json_dict: The properties dictionary. """ # noinspection PyCompatibility result = cast(DateSpec, # For Mypy. super().from_json_dict(json_dict)) format_ = json_dict['format'] result.format = format_['format'] return result
[docs] def validate(self, str_in: str) -> None: """ Validates an entry in the field. Raises `InvalidEntryError` iff the entry is invalid. An entry is invalid iff (1) the string does not represent a date in the correct format; or (2) the date it represents is invalid (such as 30 February). :param str str_in: String to validate. :raises InvalidEntryError: Iff entry is invalid. :raises ValueError: When self.format is unrecognised. """ if self.is_missing_value(str_in): return # noinspection PyCompatibility super().validate(str_in) try: datetime.strptime(str_in, self.format) except ValueError as e: msg = f"Validation error for date type: {e}" e_new = InvalidEntryError(msg) e_new.field_spec = self raise e_new from e
def _format_regular_value(self, str_in: str) -> str: """ we overwrite default behaviour as we want to hash the numbers only, no fillers like '-', or '/' :param str str_in: date string :return: str date string with format DateSpec.OUTPUT_FORMAT """ try: dt = datetime.strptime(str_in, self.format) return datetime.strftime(dt, DateSpec.OUTPUT_FORMAT) except ValueError as e: msg = "Unable to format date value '{}'. Reason: {}".format(str_in, e) e_new = InvalidEntryError(msg) e_new.field_spec = self raise e_new from e
[docs]class EnumSpec(FieldSpec): """ Represents a field that holds an enum. The finite collection of permitted values must be specified. :ivar values: The set of permitted values. """ def __init__(self, identifier: str, hashing_properties: FieldHashingProperties, values: Iterable[str], description: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: """ Make a EnumSpec object, setting it attributes to values specified in keyword arguments. """ # noinspection PyCompatibility,PyArgumentList super().__init__(identifier=identifier, description=description, hashing_properties=hashing_properties) self.values = set(values)
[docs] @classmethod def from_json_dict(cls, json_dict: Dict[str, Any] ) -> 'EnumSpec': """ Make a EnumSpec object from a dictionary containing its properties. :param dict json_dict: This dictionary must contain an `'enum'` key specifying the permitted values. In addition, it must contain a `'hashing'` key, whose contents are passed to :class:`FieldHashingProperties`. """ # noinspection PyCompatibility result = cast(EnumSpec, # Appease the gods of Mypy. super().from_json_dict(json_dict)) format_ = json_dict['format'] result.values = set(format_['values']) return result
[docs] def validate(self, str_in: str) -> None: """ Validates an entry in the field. Raises `InvalidEntryError` iff the entry is invalid. An entry is invalid iff it is not one of the permitted values. :param str str_in: String to validate. :raises InvalidEntryError: When entry is invalid. """ if self.is_missing_value(str_in): return # noinspection PyCompatibility super().validate(str_in) if str_in not in self.values: msg = ("Expected enum value to be one of {}. Read '{}'." .format(list(self.values), str_in)) e = InvalidEntryError(msg) e.field_spec = self raise e
[docs]class Ignore(FieldSpec): """ represent a field which will be ignored throughout the clk processing. """ def __init__(self, identifier: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: # noinspection PyCompatibility super().__init__('' if identifier is None else identifier, None)
[docs] def validate(self, str_in: str): pass
# Map type string (as defined in master schema) to FIELD_TYPE_MAP = { 'string': StringSpec, 'integer': IntegerSpec, 'date': DateSpec, 'enum': EnumSpec, }
[docs]def spec_from_json_dict( json_dict: Dict[str, Any] ) -> FieldSpec: """ Turns a dictionary into the appropriate FieldSpec object. :param dict json_dict: A dictionary with properties. :raises InvalidSchemaError: :returns: An initialised instance of the appropriate FieldSpec subclass. """ try: if json_dict.get('ignored', False): return Ignore(json_dict['identifier']) type_str = json_dict['format']['type'] spec_type = cast(FieldSpec, FIELD_TYPE_MAP[type_str]) except KeyError as e: raise InvalidSchemaError(f"the feature definition {json_dict} is incomplete. Must contain: {e}") return spec_type.from_json_dict(json_dict)