
For this tutorial we are going to process a data set for private linkage with clkhash using the Python API. Note you can also use the command line tool.

The Python package recordlinkage has a tutorial linking data sets in the clear, we will try duplicate that in a privacy preserving setting.

First install clkhash, recordlinkage and a few data science tools (pandas and numpy).

In [ ]:
!pip install -U clkhash recordlinkage numpy pandas
In [24]:
import io
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
In [17]:
import clkhash
import recordlinkage
from recordlinkage.datasets import load_febrl4

Data Exploration

First we have a look at the dataset.

In [4]:
dfA, dfB = load_febrl4()

given_name surname street_number address_1 address_2 suburb postcode state date_of_birth soc_sec_id
rec-1070-org michaela neumann 8 stanley street miami winston hills 4223 nsw 19151111 5304218
rec-1016-org courtney painter 12 pinkerton circuit bega flats richlands 4560 vic 19161214 4066625
rec-4405-org charles green 38 salkauskas crescent kela dapto 4566 nsw 19480930 4365168
rec-1288-org vanessa parr 905 macquoid place broadbridge manor south grafton 2135 sa 19951119 9239102
rec-3585-org mikayla malloney 37 randwick road avalind hoppers crossing 4552 vic 19860208 7207688

For this linkage we will not use the social security id column.

In [18]:
Index(['given_name', 'surname', 'street_number', 'address_1', 'address_2',
       'suburb', 'postcode', 'state', 'date_of_birth', 'soc_sec_id'],
In [41]:
a_csv = io.StringIO()

Linkage Schema Definition

A basic schema definition instructs clkhash how to treat each column. The identifiers are found in clkhash/identifier_types.py. The INDEX columns will not become part of the CLK.

Note: The schema specification is under heavy renovation for the next version.

In [42]:
column_metadata = [
            {"identifier": 'INDEX'},
            {"identifier": 'NAME Surname'},
            {"identifier": 'NAME First Name'},
            {"identifier": 'ADDRESS House Number'},
            {"identifier": 'ADDRESS Place Name'},
            {"identifier": 'ADDRESS Place Name'},
            {"identifier": 'ADDRESS Place Name'},
            {"identifier": 'ADDRESS POSTCODE'},
            {"identifier": 'ADDRESS Place Name'},
            {"identifier": 'DOB YYYY/MM/DD'},
            {"identifier": 'INDEX'}
In [43]:
schema = clkhash.schema.get_schema_types(column_metadata)

Hash the data

We can now hash our PII data from the CSV file using our defined schema. We must provide two secret keys to this command - these keys have to be used by both parties hashing data.

Knowledge of these keys is sufficient to reconstruct the PII information from a CLK! Do not share these keys with anyone, except the other participating party.

In [44]:
hashed_data_a = clkhash.clk.generate_clk_from_csv(a_csv, ('key1', 'key2'), schema)
generating CLKs: 100%|██████████| 5.00K/5.00K [00:02<00:00, 1.46Kclk/s, mean=916, std=27.1]

Inspect the output

clkhash has hashed the PII, creating a Cryptographic Longterm Key for each entity. The output of generate_clk_from_csv shows that the mean popcount is quite high (916 out of 1024) which can effect accuracy.

In [45]:

Each CLK is serialized in a JSON friendly base64 format:

In [46]:

Hash data set B

Now we hash the second dataset using the same keys and same schema.

In [47]:
b_csv = io.StringIO()
hashed_data_b = clkhash.clk.generate_clk_from_csv(b_csv, ('key1', 'key2'), schema)
generating CLKs: 100%|██████████| 5.00K/5.00K [00:02<00:00, 2.44Kclk/s, mean=909, std=32]
In [48]:

Wrapping Up

That is all for this tutorial, next you might want to look at comparing the CLKs with anonlink, or uploading them to an Entity Service.

Note the clkhash command line tool includes commands to upload to an entity service run by Data61.