Command Line Tool

clkhash includes a command line tool which can be used to interact without writing Python code. The primary use case is to encode personally identifiable data from a csv into Cryptographic Longterm Keys.

The command line tool can be accessed in two equivalent ways:

  • Using the clkutil script which gets added to your path during installation.
  • directly running the python module with python -m clkhash.

A list of valid commands can be listed with the --help argument:

$ clkutil --help
Usage: clkutil [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  This command line application allows a user to hash their data into
  cryptographic longterm keys for use in private comparison.

  This tool can also interact with a entity matching service; creating new
  mappings, uploading locally hashed data, watching progress, and retrieving


      clkutil hash private_data.csv secretkey1 secretkey2 schema.json

  All rights reserved Confidential Computing 2016.

  --version  Show the version and exit.
  --help     Show this message and exit.

  benchmark                carry out a local benchmark
  create                   create a run on the entity service
  create-project           create a linkage project on the entity service
  describe                 show distribution of clk popcounts
  generate                 generate random pii data for testing
  generate-default-schema  get the default schema used in generated random PII
  hash                     generate hashes from local PII data
  results                  fetch results from entity service
  status                   Get status of entity service
  upload                   upload hashes to entity service

Command specific help

The clkutil tool has help pages for all commands built in - simply append --help to the command.


The command line tool clkutil can be used to hash a csv file of personally identifiable information. The tool needs to be provided with keys and a Hashing Schema; it will output a file containing json serialized hashes.

$ clkutil hash --help

  Process data to create CLKs

  Given a file containing CSV data as PII_CSV, and a JSON document defining
  the expected schema, verify the schema, then hash the data to create CLKs
  writing them as JSON to CLK_JSON. Note the CSV file should contain a
  header row - however this row is not used by this tool.

  It is important that the keys are only known by the two data providers.
  Two words should be provided. For example:

  $clkutil hash pii.csv horse staple pii-schema.json clk.json

  Use "-" for CLK_JSON to write JSON to stdout.

  -q, --quiet             Quiet any progress messaging
  --no-header             Don't skip the first row
  --check-header BOOLEAN  If true, check the header against the schema
  --validate BOOLEAN      If true, validate the entries against the schema
  --help                  Show this message and exit.


Assume a csv (fake-pii.csv) contains rows like the following:

0,Libby Slemmer,1933/09/13,F
1,Garold Staten,1928/11/23,M
2,Yaritza Edman,1972/11/30,F

It can be hashed using clkutil with:

$ clkutil hash --schema simple-schema.json fake-pii.csv horse staple clk.json


  • horse staple is the two part secret key that both participants will use to hash their data.
  • simple-schema.json is a Hashing Schema describing how to hash the csv. E.g, ignore the first column, use bigram tokens of the name, use positional unigrams of the date of birth etc.
  • clk.json is the output file.


Users can inspect the distribution of the number of bits set in CLKs by using the describe command.

$ clkutil describe --help
Usage: clkutil describe [OPTIONS] CLK_JSON

  show distribution of clk's popcounts

  --help  Show this message and exit.


$ clkutil describe example_clks_a.json

 339|                                   oo
 321|                                  ooo
 303|                                  ooo
 285|                                  ooo o
 268|                                  oooooo
 250|                                oooooooo
 232|                                oooooooo
 214|                               ooooooooo
 196|                             o ooooooooo o
 179|                             o ooooooooooo
 161|                             oooooooooooooo
 143|                            ooooooooooooooo
 125|                           oooooooooooooooo
 107|                           oooooooooooooooooo
  90|                         ooooooooooooooooooooo
  72|                         oooooooooooooooooooooo
  54|                        oooooooooooooooooooooooo
  36|                      ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  18|                   oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
   1| o  o  ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oo
     4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7
     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 3 4
     0 1 2 4 5 7 8 0 1 2 4 5 7 8 0 1 2 4 5 7 8 0 1 2 4 5 7 8 0 1
       . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
       4 8 3 7 1 6 0 4 9 3 7 2 6 0 5 9 3 8 2 6 1 5 9 4 8 2 7 1 5

|        Summary        |
|   observations: 5000  |
| min value: 410.000000 |
|   mean : 601.571600   |
| max value: 753.000000 |


It is an indication of problems in the hashing if the distribution is skewed towards no bits set or all bits set. Consult the Tutorial for CLI tool clkhash for further details.

Data Generation

The command line tool has a generate command for generating fake pii data.

$ clkutil generate --help
Usage: clkutil generate [OPTIONS] [SIZE] OUTPUT

  Generate fake PII data for testing

  -s, --schema FILENAME
  --help                 Show this message and exit.
$ clkutil generate 1000 fake-pii-out.csv
$ head -n 4  fake-pii-out.csv
0,Libby Slemmer,1933/09/13,F
1,Garold Staten,1928/11/23,M
2,Yaritza Edman,1972/11/30,F

A corresponding hashing schema can be generated as well:

$ clkutil generate-default-schema schema.json
$ cat schema.json
  "version": 1,
  "clkConfig": {
    "l": 1024,
    "k": 30,
    "hash": {
      "type": "doubleHash"
    "kdf": {
      "type": "HKDF",
      "hash": "SHA256",
      "salt": "SCbL2zHNnmsckfzchsNkZY9XoHk96P/G5nUBrM7ybymlEFsMV6PAeDZCNp3rfNUPCtLDMOGQHG4pCQpfhiHCyA==",
      "info": "c2NoZW1hX2V4YW1wbGU=",
      "keySize": 64
  "features": [
      "identifier": "INDEX",
      "format": {
        "type": "integer"
      "hashing": {
        "ngram": 1,
        "weight": 0
      "identifier": "NAME freetext",
      "format": {
        "type": "string",
        "encoding": "utf-8",
        "case": "mixed",
        "minLength": 3
      "hashing": {
        "ngram": 2,
        "weight": 0.5
      "identifier": "DOB YYYY/MM/DD",
      "format": {
        "type": "string",
        "encoding": "ascii",
        "description": "Numbers separated by slashes, in the year, month, day order",
        "pattern": "(?:\\d\\d\\d\\d/\\d\\d/\\d\\d)\\Z"
      "hashing": {
        "ngram": 1,
        "positional": true
      "identifier": "GENDER M or F",
      "format": {
        "type": "enum",
        "values": ["M", "F"]
      "hashing": {
        "ngram": 1,
        "weight": 2


A quick hashing benchmark can be carried out to determine the rate at which the current machine can generate 10000 clks from a simple schema (data as generated above):

python -m clkhash.cli benchmark
generating CLKs: 100%                 10.0K/10.0K [00:01<00:00, 7.72Kclk/s, mean=521, std=34.7]
 10000 hashes in 1.350489 seconds. 7.40 KH/s

As a rule of thumb a single modern core will hash around 1M entities in about 20 minutes.


Hashing speed is effected by the number of features and the corresponding schema. Thus these numbers will, in general, not be a good predictor for the performance of a specific use-case.

The output shows a running mean and std deviation of the generated clks’ popcounts. This can be used as a basic sanity check - ensure the CLK’s popcount is not around 0 or 1024.

Interaction with Entity Service

There are several commands that interact with a REST api for carrying out privacy preserving linking. These commands are:

  • status
  • create-project
  • create
  • upload
  • results

See also the Tutorial for CLI.