
Azure Pipeline

clkhash is automatically built and tested using Azure Pipeline
for Windows environment, in the project Anonlink <>
Two pipelines are available:
  • Build pipeline <>,
  • Release pipeline <>.

Build Pipeline

The build pipeline is described by the script azurePipeline.yml which is using template resources from the folder .azurePipeline.

There are 3 top level stages in the build pipeline:

  • Static Checks - runs mypy typechecking over the codebase. Also adds a Azure DevOps tag “Automated” if the build was triggered by a Git tag.
  • Unit tests - A template expands out into a number of builds and tests for different version of python and system architecture.
  • Packaging - Pulls together the created files into a single release artifact.

The Build & Test job does:

  • install the requirements,
  • package clkhash,
  • run pytest (including all the CLI tests and the test requiring a deployed entity service at,
  • run pytest to test the notebooks available in the documentation (on Windows, will not install anonlink and will run all the tutorials in the file docs/list__tutorials_without_anonlink.txt, on other platform, will install anonlink and run all the tutorials.)
  • publish the test results,
  • publish the code coverage (on Azure and codecov),
  • publish the artifacts from the build using Python 3.7 (i.e. the wheel, the sdist tar.gz and an exe for x86 and x64).

The build pipeline requires one environment variable provided by Azure environment:

  • CODECOV_TOKEN which is used to publish the coverage to codecov.

Most of the complexity is abstracted into the template in .azurePipeline/wholeBuild.yml.

Build Artifacts

A pipeline artifact named Release is created by the build pipeline which contains the universal wheel, source distribution and Windows executables for x86 and x64 architectures. Other artifacts are created from each build, including code coverage.

Release Pipeline

The release pipeline can either be triggered manually, or automatically from a successful build on master where the build is tagged Automated (i.e. if the commit is tagged, cf previous paragraph).

The release pipeline consists of two steps:
  • asking for a manual confirmation that the artifacts from the triggering build should be released,
  • uses twine to publish the artifacts.
The release pipeline requires two environment variables provided by Azure environment:
  • PYPI_LOGIN: login to push an artifact to clkhash Pypi repository,
  • PYPI_PASSWORD: password to push an artifact to clkhash Pypi repository for the user PYPI_LOGIN.